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Redness & Rosacea

Rosacea is a facial skin condition that affects adults, usually women. Symptoms of rosacea wax and wane and they are often seen in those who flush in response to alcohol, spicy food, heat or stress.

The cheeks, nose, forehead and chin are the usual affected areas. On top of redness, one can sometimes see small red blood vessels (telangiectasia), and small and large inflamed bumps (papules and pustules). Marked redness and swelling of the nose known as rhinophyma is a complication that occurs more often in men.

Other common facial vascular lesions include Spider Angioma and Cherry Angioma. Spider angioma is a form of telangiectasia and the lesion typically has a red dot in the center with reddish extensions. Cherry angioma is a benign growth that appears as a small, smooth, cherry-red bump. Although painless and harmless, cherry angiomas may bleed profusely if injured.

Treatment Suggestions

Vbeam Perfecta® Pulsed Dye Laser is the gold standard in the treatment of facial capillaries, rosacea, red acne blemish, surgical or keloid scars, angiomas and port wine stain birth marks. It’s unique micro-pulse technology provides gentle vessel heating, allowing effective and consistent results without any downtime. From rejuvenation to eliminating virtually all red and brown spots, the Vbeam Perfecta® can treat most skin types quickly, comfortably and effectively.

To learn more: Vbeam Perfecta Patient Brochure

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) uses gentle pulses of intense, optimized light to treat undesirable pigment and blood vessels. It can also stimulate the production of collagen and new skin cells. The result is a more even-coloured skin tone, smaller pore size, softer and smoother skin, radiant complexion, and an overall revitalized appearance.

It requires no anesthesia and there is no down time after treatment. A series of 3-6 treatments is recommended to obtain the best result.

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